Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Boot Problems --> Linux or Windows

Most common problems faced nowadays on installing linux or windows is the boot loader, changing the default boot loader, changing the default values in the bootloader and getting in to the details without much headache.

So, what is a boot loader... it can be stated as one which just boots your OS (operating system) without you doing much of assembly language programming with reading and executing data on disk sectors.

What are the problems faced in Installing Windows, or Linux.

Scenario 1: Installing Windows and then Linux

On installing windows, it has its own bootloader, NTLDR which supports multiple OS boot but not Multikernel boot.

Multiple OS boot: NTLDR boot loader of windows supports booting of various OS supported by windows but not the different kernel than Windows like linux for which you might need other boot loaders like GRUB

Multiple kernel boot loader: Boot loaders like GRUB

to be continued....

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